In a strange world I stand
I must fight against all the darkness
But it’s so hard to resist
To exist
So hard to be like me in a world like this
I must fight
Must find a way out
This Place, this People
The doesn’t mean anything to me
For me they are just shadows walking in an endless road
Time is passing by…..
I’m turning into ashes
The ashes of the forgotten ones
Those that have Fight and lost
Those that none remember
I don’t want to be forgotten
I want u to remember me
I want to stay in your memory, in your heart
Then I can go and Rest Forever
......vive a tua vida sem que ninguém a comande ,todos opinam sobre ti mas apenas tu podes fazer de ti algo construtivo , vive construindo, a arte não esta em derrotar mas sim em demonstrar a razão......
terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2007
segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007
Cold Tomb
Pain, hate, madness
Three words…
What beautiful sound they make together
Those words are the only think that makes séance in this darkness
In this hole
In this abyss
I’m falling….
This is my refuge, my place but also my tomb
Here I fiend the strength
The strength that I need to finish me
To finish this suffering
To end this pain..
The pain of living…
Living with no proposit
With no hope or dream of any kind
I want to go…..
The blood continues to spill
Life is boiling out of me
Finally I can go and rest…
Rest and fly away
Three words…
What beautiful sound they make together
Those words are the only think that makes séance in this darkness
In this hole
In this abyss
I’m falling….
This is my refuge, my place but also my tomb
Here I fiend the strength
The strength that I need to finish me
To finish this suffering
To end this pain..
The pain of living…
Living with no proposit
With no hope or dream of any kind
I want to go…..
The blood continues to spill
Life is boiling out of me
Finally I can go and rest…
Rest and fly away
quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2007
Hell paradox
I fell guilt today, I don’t know why
I need to cry and cry
My tears become blood, the blood of my hart
I cry I don’t know why
Perhaps because of you, perhaps because of me,
Perhaps because of us
No one know
The only thing that I need is dark, the dark of the night…..
The dark of the night becomes the darkest side of me
Don’t hold my hand or I’m ganna push you and then you fall in disgrace with me
And fiend peace once again
I wanna let you in this painful world and watch your disgrace
You deserve it more then devil more then every single soul
You cry, and I go but im happy because I let you in pain and with sparks of me in your heart in your entire being
Now I die, now god can u take my soul? Please I beg you take it
And then Im ganna rest forever
I need to cry and cry
My tears become blood, the blood of my hart
I cry I don’t know why
Perhaps because of you, perhaps because of me,
Perhaps because of us
No one know
The only thing that I need is dark, the dark of the night…..
The dark of the night becomes the darkest side of me
Don’t hold my hand or I’m ganna push you and then you fall in disgrace with me
And fiend peace once again
I wanna let you in this painful world and watch your disgrace
You deserve it more then devil more then every single soul
You cry, and I go but im happy because I let you in pain and with sparks of me in your heart in your entire being
Now I die, now god can u take my soul? Please I beg you take it
And then Im ganna rest forever
segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2007
Falling angels
Dark angels
Dark angels they become
They fly
But not forever
They lose there wings
And fall into hell
This burning hell, souls scream in pain
They pay there sins
In misery the stay forever
No rest exist for them
They lose there hope and will to resist the torture
Like I lose my life in this world, in this despicable world
World of selfishness
And madness
I wanna get out
I wanna be free
Please god take me
I will pray for an opening
Please let me go
Dark angels they become
They fly
But not forever
They lose there wings
And fall into hell
This burning hell, souls scream in pain
They pay there sins
In misery the stay forever
No rest exist for them
They lose there hope and will to resist the torture
Like I lose my life in this world, in this despicable world
World of selfishness
And madness
I wanna get out
I wanna be free
Please god take me
I will pray for an opening
Please let me go
quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2007
In the Dark
There are times when I'm inconsolable
when the world around me becomes too much
and my demons come out to feast on me again
There are times when I'm hopeless
when I'm too lost to return home
and I don't need your comforting touch
I just need to be left alone to sit quietly in the dark
Don't offer me a friendly hand
nor a tender embrace of love
Just let me surround myself with shadows
and let my troubles eat me whole
Don't try to save me when I can't be saved
and keep your tender words for another day
a day when the tides of my heart have changed
and my soul flows the other way
But until that time remember that I love you
and that you're still the keeper of my heart
but for the moment love is not my friend
and your tender touch and sweetest smile
are like poison to my aching soul
So let me be
Let me sit alone in the dark
Let me find comfort in forgotten lusts
Let me bandage my heart with solitude
and dry my tears with time
I know that you understand
and I pray that you'll return
Because I long for when I can emerge from these shadows
and once again cherish the smile glistening
across your sweet, tender face
when the world around me becomes too much
and my demons come out to feast on me again
There are times when I'm hopeless
when I'm too lost to return home
and I don't need your comforting touch
I just need to be left alone to sit quietly in the dark
Don't offer me a friendly hand
nor a tender embrace of love
Just let me surround myself with shadows
and let my troubles eat me whole
Don't try to save me when I can't be saved
and keep your tender words for another day
a day when the tides of my heart have changed
and my soul flows the other way
But until that time remember that I love you
and that you're still the keeper of my heart
but for the moment love is not my friend
and your tender touch and sweetest smile
are like poison to my aching soul
So let me be
Let me sit alone in the dark
Let me find comfort in forgotten lusts
Let me bandage my heart with solitude
and dry my tears with time
I know that you understand
and I pray that you'll return
Because I long for when I can emerge from these shadows
and once again cherish the smile glistening
across your sweet, tender face
The Eyes of Insanity

Here I am again
Watching over the sky
Looking at the stars
And thinking
Thinking that I’m alone
Alone in this empty world
Alone and with no hope
I’m tired of waiting
Waiting for a savior that never comes
A layer…..
A fuse god
Tired of breeding the sick air of this lost humanity
I’m here, im lost
With no place to go
Around me I see nothing but shadows and madness
Insanity is growing inside of me, I wanna go before is to late
I wanna fiend my path, my road my destiny
Can u help me my angel?
Ur the real savior
I trust u, came and save me…
Please let me go……
I’m here
Here in this place
A place to rest
Then I laid in that could stone
I start to fell something
Nor pain, nor blood
Its something
A strange could that runs over my spine
A could that makes me feel free
He makes me stop
Stop felling
Then I understand……..
Its u
U my dear death
U arrive without warning
U ganna save me…….
Catch me and embrace my soul
Touch my face and close my eyes
Make me rest I don’t wanna suffer
Take me out and set my soul free
Please I beg u
Cut this life of from me
I wanna go now
Here in this place
A place to rest
Then I laid in that could stone
I start to fell something
Nor pain, nor blood
Its something
A strange could that runs over my spine
A could that makes me feel free
He makes me stop
Stop felling
Then I understand……..
Its u
U my dear death
U arrive without warning
U ganna save me…….
Catch me and embrace my soul
Touch my face and close my eyes
Make me rest I don’t wanna suffer
Take me out and set my soul free
Please I beg u
Cut this life of from me
I wanna go now

Once again im alone
Alone but with pain all around me
No one is here
Only emptiness and dark
I see shadows
Shadows of me when im alive
They pas trough me like a vision
A vision of something
Vision of happiness and pride
Pride of that I use to be
Now im nothing
I’m just a hole a deep hole
Of pain, shadows and madness
I’m trying to fiend peace and light
Then I finally understand that I need u
I need ur touch, I need ur care
Ur the only thing that can save my soul
Ur my light
Comeback to me my sweet angel
And make me survive
I’m here
In this place
In this strange place
Where am I??
I just don’t know
Lost in this darkness
With no place to hide or go
No voices
Only pain and blood falling over my skin
I can feel it
I can feel the smell of that blood
I can not speak something is holding my breath
Something is killing me inside
All this pain, suffering and disgrace
Is this the purgatory???
Then I understand
I’m just searching inside me
I fall inside of my self
This place is my soul
My destroy and sick soul
Can some one help me?
Can u help me?
Yes u my dear death
Come one more time and save me
Save me,
Embrace me,
And make me forget
Forget that I exist
Make my soul free
Make me free
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